Zeebrugge Raid. - 23/24 April 1918. - 37 photo's. + A "Link" to another site at the bottom of this page.

This raid, carried out by units of the "Coastal Forces", along with many other vessels,
could probably be classed as the modern "Forerunner" of all subsequent "Combined Ops." actions.

The idea behind it all was to deny the "German Enemy" forces U-boats and Torpedo boats, based 14 mile inland at Bruges,
access to the North Sea via Ostend and Zeebrugge.
This was to be done by sinking "Blockships" in the main channels and by the destruction of the jetty, connecting the "Mole" to the shore,
by ramming an old "C" class submarine, ( "C 3" ) loaded with 6 tons of explosives, into it.

This action has been described in many History books and no attempt of mine would do it justice, so I will leave the photo's below to speak for themselves.
These do seem to be part of a larger collection, so, if anyone has copies of the "Missing" photo's, and they feel able to share them,
please contact me via my websites "Contact Me" page found "HERE" on this link.


The "Problem".    The "Solution".

"Click"on Images to enlarge.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

The follwing 9 photo's have been provided by "Pascal" who lives in Germany and regularly visits this site at "Zeebrugge".

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

Thank you "Pascal" for sending on those extra Images.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

Another view of "Thetis" across the Harbour entrance. Photo courtesy of Mr. Wayne Violette.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.


Within 24 hours of my adding the above section to my site someone, who wishes to remain anonymous, has kindly sent me some German photo's of the raid, as shown below.
An "Interpretation" of the captions on each photo has now also been kindly provided by Mr. Mathias Hansen,
he is the "Comms Chief" on the "FGS Uberherrn" of the 3rd MCM Squadron based at Keil.

Below is a cartoon of his ship made by one of his colleagues.

"Click" on Image to enlarge.
Sadly, many of these extra photo's are already heavily "Compressed", and were quite small to start with, but they should still be ok to view. 

   "Left hand picture". - The outer jetty was converted in a fortress. Observation points, machinegun nests and strong (artillery) batteries everywhere.

   "Centre Picture". - The outer jetty of Zeebrügge (sectional view). Compare it with the map at the end of the book.

   "Right Hand Picture". - The outer jetty of Zeebrügge. Wooden fake guns should distract the enemy attacks from the heavy (artillery) batteries.
The trains could ride from onshore to the very head (of the outer jetty).

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

  "Left Hand picture". - Was the gateway for the German U-Boats jammed? - No!, The English blockships left a narrow fairway open.

  "Centre picture". - At low tide one could see the position of the blockships quite precisely.
The attack was conducted according to plan but complete jamming was
not achieved.

   "Right hand picture". -  Sad was the return of the "Vindictive": All superstructures were dotted with holes,
hundreds of men wounded or killed by the defensive fire of the Germans.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Left hand picture". - The viaduct is destroyed by the English submarine C3. A day after the enemy attack the Emperor arrived to visit the outer jetty.

  "Right hand picture". - The effect of the German gunfire: The deck of the "Vindictive" after her last action, the venture against Ostende.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Left hand picture". - The concreted observation point "Friedrichsort" at which the fight for the outer jetty raged. Nineteen English were captured.

"Right Hand picture". - After the unsuccessful attack on Zeebrügge. The grounded English blockships. The "Victors of Zeebrügge are duly celebrated at their arrival in England.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

I would also like to add "HERE" a link to another site devoted to this raid..

Its "first page" shows the webmasters "Great Uncle"  who won the "Victoria Cross" for his efforts on this raid.

His name was Albert McKenzie V.C.

Sadly he died aged just 19 years old at Chatham, from the Flu Epidemic that killed off so many people across Europe at the end of WW1.

I strongly recommend a visit to this site.


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