Ramillies - 9 photo's.

      Image 3 above courtesy of Mr. Mick French,   

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  Image 4 above courtesy of Mr. Fred Smith of Canada showing "Ramillies" ( Making Smoke ) and having to move due to aerial attack during her bombardment of the Invasion Beaches on D-Day.
The aircraft, seen over her, are taking Para units to their drop zones, and are towing Horsa Gliders.
Photo's 5 & 6 above are courtesy of Mr. Paul Simpson.
Mick French's late father served on her during WW11 and was present at the bombardment of Caen during "Operation Overlord".

"Mick" has now made contact with the "Ramillies" ex - crew association and attends their meetings.
If you, or a family member, served on "Ramillies", or would like to get in contact with her crew association, then contact "Mick" by e-mailing him from here on :-

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